# Introduction

Nayax enables you to use our PCI secured servers, without needing your own PCI level security. The documentation pages describe flow merchants should use when integrating their website or app to the Nayax platform.

This page includes a dedicated listing of services for processing payments. If you need your website to support secured payments, this is the main collection for you to use. The set of services require meticulous attention to detail to ensure the correct flows and attributes are being used according to environment and account configuration.

# Flow

General payment flow:

  • initiate transaction
  • process payment Flow

# Integration Types

Nayax currently offers two integration options

  • Iframe inside the merchant’s website and Initiate Payment Form, which posts to Nayax and returns a redirect URL to the merchant to redirect the customer to a secure payment platform.

Both of these integrations do not require the merchant website to be PCI compliant as both use the Hosted Payment Page technique.

# Test Environment

As part of our SandBox program, you will receive access to all the tools and services needed to build your app or service. Throughout this period, you will only be able to process test transactions. To make this process easier, we’ve compiled a list of test credit cards you can use. Feel free to contact support with any questions.

# Test Cards

Only the following credit card numbers may be used while in the testing environment:

Card Number Issuer
4387751111111111 Visa (US)
5442987111111111 MasterCard (US)
371000911111111 American Express (US)
4056850111111111 Visa (FR)
5130113111111111 MasterCard (FR)
36005131111111 Diners Club (GB)
3535111111111111 JCB (JP)
6221701111111111 LivaKash (JP)
4580000000000000 VISA (IL)
5326140000000000 MasterCard (IL)
91000000 IsraCard (IL)

# Controlling Reply

Use the following amounts to cause approvals or declines:

Amount Response
0.04 Error 1001: Soft Decline (Call)
0.05 Error 1002: Insufficient Funds
0.90 Approved with 5 second delay
0.91 Approved with 10 second delay
0.92 Approved with 20 second delay
0.93 Approved with 30 second delay
0.94 Approved with 40 second delay
0.95 Approved with 50 second delay
0.96 Approved with 60 second delay
0.97 Approved with 70 second delay
0.98 Approved with 80 second delay
0.99 Approved with 90 second delay
55.3 3D secure simulator - this will return 533 and redirect Url to complete transaction
1.00 Approved