# Notification Handling

# Introduction

In order to handle notifications, you first have to set up the notification URL. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Set it up inside the merchant dashboard
  • Set it up via a parameter in the form you post to Nayax

# From Merchant Dashboard

# Step 1


# Step 2


# Via Parameters To Request

Provided you include the notification_url parameter in your request, the system will send a notification to your chosen endpoint in the following formats:

# Example of a GET/POST request to your notification handler

Your Endpoint is your url of the server that handles notifications on your behalf

# Parameters sent with notification

Parameter Description
reply_code Reply code provided from the system - list of reply codes can be found here Reply codes*/**
reply_desc The reason for the decline as it is provided from the provider or by the system - for further info contact Support
trans_id The transaction ID that is generated by our system
trans_date The time and date of the transaction - Time is set to GMT (URL Encoded)
trans_amount The transaction amount that was processed
trans_currency The currency in which the transaction was processed. (ISO Code - USD/EUR/GBP)
trans_order The order ID that was sent by the merchant to our system - the unique identifier on the merchant CRM system.
payment_details This will return the payment method used and the last 4 digits on the card number if relevant
merchant_id The company ID as it was provided to the merchant by Support (Company Number)
client_fullname The full name of the client that was included in the transaction.
client_phone The phone number of the client that was included in the transaction.
client_email The email address of the client that was included in the transaction.
signature format: base64 ( hash('sha256', trans_id + trans_order + reply_code + trans_amount + trans_currency + merchanthash))
  • * Reply codes are either from system or from the providers we work with - list of declines may change from time to time.
  • ** Approved reply code would always be 000 and Pending would be 553.
  • *** Please be sure to support POST on your end to receive the notifcation

# Example in different languages